Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Twenty Nine

Today I think my nerves must be playing tricks on my teeth. Sometimes when I bite down on my left side, it feels really funny. Kinda like I'm biting into...aluminum foil? It's so strange. But if I touch it with my tongue and bite again, it feels normal.
I have regained some feeling in the roof of my mouth. I have feeling in the back half, toward my throat, and on the "edges" at that textured feeling part. But that's all. And my gums still have no feeling, along with my lip and right half of my chin that haven't changed.

I get random pains and pinches and tingles and other sensations in random parts of my lip, cheek, and roof of my mouth. It's just my nerves trying to figure stuff out again, and the pain isn't a big deal. It happens out of nowhere for a split second and it's gone before you realize it's there, so no need for any medicine.

I ate Olive Garden again today. Yes, it was amazing.

Tomorrow I go to the surgeon again for my check up, so I'll update then!

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