Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Twenty Five

Not too much to update, but I am so relieved that the pain in my chin is finally gone, as of yesterday! On Monday morning I had a mini freak out, because there was more swelling than normal in the area where the pain was. I called my doctor, but he couldn't even get out of his driveway thanks to the snow so I had to just deal with it another day. He told me I could come in today though, but since it feels a lot better I think it's okay. Besides, I felt like that for nearly a week and have an appointment Monday anyway. I still think it looks funny, but I hope that's just because my cheeks are still a little swollen. I keep thinking "my face was never this chubby looking, RIGHT?" but maybe I am wrong.

I've decided I LOVE my bite. My teeth fit together and it feels so good! I mentioned a week or so ago that I didn't like the feeling. My teeth just felt so sensitive and like they were about to break/crumble when they touched. I don't know if anything actually changed with my teeth or if I just got used to it... But, I think I just got used to it. It's like my teeth were a little confused about why they could actually touch each other for the first time ever and got an attitude about it, but now they like where they are! Last night, part of my dinner were these fried potato things, and although I was cutting them with the fork into tiny pieces, I bit into a few of them just for the hell of it...because I can bite into stuff now! It was so cool! I think I might cry the day I can bite into a sandwich!

I wear my "elastics" religiously. They only come off when I eat and then I go rinse and brush and put them back on. I can tell they really help guide my muscles, because sometimes when they are off for eating, the muscle cramps and makes my bite feel a little off. But as soon as I put them on, it's perfect again.
You know how people say "I can do that in my sleep" when they've done something 2 million times? Well I can put my elastics on in my sleep, apparently. I BARELY remember waking up last night to my muscles cramping/hurting a little and I think I was like "I'll take these out for just a second." So I did. Then I went back into a coma immediately, because I really wasn't that awake to begin with. But when I woke up, they were on perfectly. I'm not sure what happened there, but I'm glad I didn't go an entire night without them.

I got lucky this week and didn't have to go to any of my classes because of the weather! It's funny to me how everyone is complaining about being stuck in the house for just the past couple of days and how crazy they are, when I have been in my house for the majority of 3 1/2 weeks! I am so thankful I didn't have to go to school this week though because even without ice, that commute would have been tiring, plus walking several blocks to everything, and the COLD. Oh my goodness it would have been so cold. Downtown, the wind blows like a hurricane between the tall buildings and my jaw does not like the cold at all. It kinda starts to shake and hurt a little, not fun. Not to mention, everything I do completely exhausts me, still. Obviously surgery makes you weak, and my body is still recovering from serious trauma to my face, so I always have to catch up on my rest the day after I do get out and do something. So I have to say I am veryyy happy to get an extra week of recovery before the stress of school!

Last night I was thinking about how I am supposed to be in braces 6-9 more months, and after what I have been through the past month, plus 10 months of braces....that seems like nothing! It's fun to think about not having braces in 6 months, but I'm not gonna count on it. It will probably be around 9 months and that's okay. I am so happy the worst parts, and the anticipation of surgery is over!

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