Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Twenty Six

Last night I remembered that my orthodontist told me at the beginning of my treatment that I am a "tongue thruster." Sounds like something a hooker does, right? Really it means that when I swallow, I push my tongue against the back of my teeth. Normal people put their tongue on the roof of their mouth when they swallow. Without braces, it causes the teeth to get pushed outward and stick out.This is another effect of thumb sucking, and bad orthodontic work when I was young. I went to an orthodontist at the age of seven, just as is suggested (a different one than I have now). But she didn't do the best work. There are several appliances and options that orthodontist could have done immediately, and there's a good chance I wouldn't have required surgery. In fact, there are several ways of controlling jaw growth in young children. Additionally, I could have gotten an appliance that breaks the habit of tongue thrusting, called a "crib appliance." Which would have been a lot easier to control, because I had only had the tongue thrusting habit for 7 years, rather than 21. Also, she didn't bother placing an appliance in my mouth to make me stop sucking my thumb until I was 10. Yes. Ten.Years.Old. In other words, too damn old. That should have been done the day I went to that stupid orthodontist. But, that's in the past and we didn't know any better, or know things would get to this point. Now all I can do is try to fix everything, and tell everyone and their mother not to go to her.
But I swear, if I have a kid that comes out sucking their thumb...we will break that habit on day one. I don't care how cute it is.
Anyway, as I was new, smart, perfectionist orthodontist informed us at the beginning of my treatment that I am a tongue thruster. Well last night I thought of that, but I couldn't remember what he said we were going to do about it, and I started getting so worried. I just don't want him to take my braces off later this year, and all this hard work and money goes down the drain. That would be the biggest disappointment there could possibly be. I'm not positive that my retainer will hold my teeth where they belong. I read online I could get the crib appliance and/or go to speech therapy to fix the habit and swallow how I'm supposed to, but he hasn't mentioned that. I don't know when I'll be going to the orthodontist again, but I'll definitely be talking about it with my surgeon Monday.
It's been all over my mind, and all I could think about so today my mom suggested we get out of the house because I was starting to think and worry way too much. That was such a great idea! We went to the mall for a little bit, and then went to Olive Garden. Wow it was soooo DELICIOUS! I figured their great salad would be too hard to eat so I opted for soup. I got the Chicken and Gnocchi soup and it was so good! I had two bowls haha. Then I got the Portabello Ravioli, because I knew I could cut it up easily and it's fantastic. And of course I couldn't resist Tiramisu for dessert. Yummy! I was so happy to have something different, and be out. And obviously my appetite has not been negatively impacted.
I'm so glad my mom saved me from insanity today and I got to get out, but not do too much. I guess now that I am looking more human I need to start getting out more to build up my energy.

Oh, and in other news...I got the okay to stop using Peridex today! One less step in my 3-4 times per day 10 minute brushing routine :)

Pictures from today:


  1. You look beautiful! What a transformation :)

  2. Thank you so much!

    I was just looking at your blog. You are a gorgeous girl! You have such a great defined jaw too, you will be flawless after surgery!

    I want to follow your blog, but I don't see the button on your page
