Saturday, January 8, 2011

Three Weeks!

I feel like just the other day I was writing about it being two weeks since surgery and already it's been three. I can't believe that! Sometimes I get really frustrated because I am so impatient, but it has truly flown by. Wow.

I noticed today that I have regained almost all my feeling in my left cheek/under my eye/by my nose. Great!
My lips tingled a lot today in the numb spots and wowww did my chin hurt some more like it has been the past couple of days. I took four ibuprofen earlier (so it's like taking 1 of the 800mg tablets I was prescribed) and it seemed to take care of the pain most of the day, although it was uncomfortable at times. Although I still have no feeling there. And yes, my chin still looks very uneven, but I tried very hard to think about it a lot less today.

I'm so tired tonight because yesterday was a very long, fun day, and I did a lot of driving to visit my grandma today as well.

The slept-in makeup and tousled hair look:

My smile is bigger!

I don't know what happened to the picture of my left side profile, but I'll retake it and update it 


  1. Hi Whitney,

    Just wanted to say I think you're looking great! Now that your swelling's going down you can really start to see the results! And to me your chin doesn't look uneven at all! Seeing post-op pics like yours always reassures me that I'm doing the right thing. Good luck with your recovery, Sarah x

  2. Well thank you for reading! I'm glad I can relieve some of your anxiety and this is beneficial for you!
    Do you have a surgery date yet?

  3. It's definitely beneficial to see other people's recoveries and outcomes from the surgery! My surgery won't be for years yet...I'm having my wisdom teeth out in a couple of weeks (don't know whether you had this but it's so that it's easier for them to cut the jaw in the actual operation), then got to have braces for 12 - 18 months, so surgery won't be for ages! I'm also writing a blog at but I'm not very far along in the process yet so there's not too much on there at the moment!

  4. I just followed your blog! When you do have surgery, if you have any questions, please let me know because I probably experienced whatever you do!
    Good luck with your wisdom teeth removal! It's really not bad at all, so don't listen to people saying it is :)
    I had my lower wisdom teeth removed 5 or 6 years ago, during that operation when they went to remove the upper ones, they realized it was too risky because of how close to my sinus they were. So I actually had them removed with my jaw surgery!
    When they did the lower ones, I was eating Steak and Shake the next day, and honestly I keep forgetting they even took out the upper ones with my jaw surgery.

  5. Thanks for following my blog! Thank you, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions! My sister had her wisdom teeth out last year (not for any jaw related reasons) and she keeps telling me how bad it is, but I think she just wants me to be prepared for the worst!

    I assumed I was only going to have my bottom wisdom teeth out because they said it would be easier for them to cut the bottom jaw, but maybe they'll take the top ones out too. I'll have to ask when I go for my pre-op appointment. I'm still not even sure whether I'm just having lower jaw surgery or both. Did you have top and bottom done?

    I was just reading your most recent post, and you're one of the few people I've found whose problems were also caused by thumb sucking! A lot of people's just seems to be genetic, but mine was caused by sucking my thumb til I was 11! I wish I hadn't soooo much! I didnt even get referred to the orthodontist til I was about 12 or 13, so it was already too late to try and stop the bad effects of my thumb sucking. So I totally agree with you, I'm never letting my children suck their thumbs!
