Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day Fourteen/New Year's Day

It's been two weeks! Sometimes I'm like, "Wow, two weeks already?" others I think "This is the longest two weeks of my life." But either way, I made it! I think I'll honor this day by saying good riddance to my eating syringes and throwing them away. I haven't used them in several days anyway.
I'm not sure how much I'll update from now on. It will be frequent, but maybe not every single day just because there isn't a lot of new stuff to tell. My swelling is going to go down verrrry slowly and my numbness is going to go away just as slow. I have to go back to the OS on Monday, so I will definitely update then, and any time something new happens or there are changes.
Today has been a day of eating! First, my boyfriend's sweet mom made chicken noodle soup and chicken with rice today and it was soo good! I love having something different to eat. Then I visited my grandpa's house where I ate with him and my dad and more family. And tonight my mom and I are having New Year's dinner too so maybe I'll get twice as much good luck and money from my New Year's collard greens and black eyed peas! Yumm! Eating has improved a little bit. It still takes quite a while to eat a meal but it's gotten a little easier.
I've been pretty tired today, so I've just been chilling on the couch that probably has a permanent imprint of my ass from sitting on it for 403256 hours. My jaw feels just a bit uncomfortable today. It doesn't really hurt, I think the muscle is just tired from all the laughing and screaming and singing and headbanging I did last night so it feels a little achy.

Here is me being lazy in slept in make up, still looking very swollen:


  1. you are looking better and better everyday! thank you for your posts! you should post some old pics of what you used to look like before the surgery. im always wondering what will i look like after and will it be a huge difference. im planning on taking a lot of before and afters!well..keep smiling!i cant wait to!

  2. Thank you so much for your comments! I plan on posting before pictures soon, but I want to heal a little more so I can do comparisons. I could email you some if you'd like. I wondered the same thing. It's important to talk to your doctor about those things, because they can already envision what you will look like. I asked my doctor and he said "you will look like you, just a little better" haha He explained there wouldn't be drastic differences, but a little change. People may know something looks a little different, they just can't put their finger on what it is. I can't wait to see how things turn out for you. Do you have a surgery date?

  3. I really hope everything comes out smooth for me. It would really change my life. It would definitely help me with my self confidence and also socially. I don't have a date yet but I think it would be sometime in late fall or winter of this year

  4. I'm sure everything will work out great for you! Just be sure you are confident in your surgeon, and look at some pictures of his/her work. It will be easy to go through ups and downs from this time until the time of surgery, and even after, but remember the long term goal you are working toward.

  5. thanks for the positive advice! i love talking to this whole new community. its like finally someone gets me!

    yup i definitley have ups and downs already(mostly downs though) but youre right. its my goal that really counts. one question though,i know upper n lower jaw surgery mostly changes the shape of your face, but how do you feel about the change to your lips or if any change at all. im wondering would the change to the upper jaw change the fullness of your lips? (due to different placement/support of the teeth)i cant tell in your after pics because i dont really know how you looked before. do you think your lips have changed-fuller thinner or the same?

  6. I know what you mean! A lot of people that have no experience with this just don't understand. A lot of people try to, but it really takes someone that has been there.

    I was thinking about that the other day actually. I kind of feel like my upper lip isn't as full as it was, but now that I look again, it seems the same. I think I have/had some lingering swelling in that area (especially in the morning) and that might be affecting the look of it. I'll try to remember to tell you how I feel in a few weeks. But I know it looks the same when I smile, compared to my before smile. And I think my bottom lip is the same.
    I recall asking an orthodontist assistant if my lip fullness would change and she said "your lips are your lips."
    Do you have facebook? Add me if you do, and you can see tons of pictures of me before surgery.
