Monday, December 6, 2010

What Orthognathic Surgery Actually Is, and Why I Need It.

You can ask anyone that has ever been close to me...I am definitely a unique person. Sometimes in a fabulous way and sometimes in a not so great way haha

But really, I am:
- one member of the 11% of the world population that has been adopted.
- one member of the 10% of the world  population that is left handed.
- one member of the 1-2% of the world population with red hair.
And now, one member of the 5% of the world population who needs Orthognathic Surgery.

I would say that combination is pretty rare!

Orthognathic surgery is the medical term for jaw surgery. Each case is different. Some people may have a protruding chin, others a recessed one. Some may have a large upper jaw, which creates a "gummy" smile and some may have a small lower jaw with a weak looking chin. Some people have even built fame around their unique jaw appearance, like Jay Leno! I'm not one of those people, unfortunately.

In my case, I have a small lower jaw and it has also caused a weak chin. Basically my jaw never grew forward. All of this causes several medical problems. For example, even after enduring braces three times (yes, three) only my back molars fit together because my jaw position gives me an "open bite." I have no idea what it is like to actually bite into a sandwich and have my teeth fit together and break off a clean bite of food. The only way to fix my bite and have my teeth properly come together is to bring the jaw forward.
Another issue with my jaw position is breathing. In fact, my airway is half the size it is actually supposed to be! This causes snoring, sleep apnea and just a general crappy feeling all the time. My lack of quality sleep makes me feel tired constantly and easily irritated. Once I get some good breathing going on I should feel a lot better!
In addition to all of this, I have a deviated septum, a little bit of a gummy smile, and I still have my upper wisdom teeth due to complications when I had my lower wisdom teeth removed.

My Surgeon's To-Do list for December 18th:
  • Septoplasty-He's going to "shave" away some of my septum on the left side to straighten it out and improve my nasal breathing. (It's almost completely blocked on the left side)
  • Upper Jaw Surgery-Cut upper jaw, bring it up higher and secure it with plates and screws.
  • Lower Jaw Surgery-Cut lower jaw on each side, bring it forward and secure it with plates and screws.
  • Upper Wisdom Teeth Removal-They are in my sinus cavity and I pray there won't be any resulting complications!
  • Genioplasty-My chin will be cut in two places, brought forward and secured with plates
Surgery will require 6 weeks of recovery time, and I will be pretty much back to normal activities. However, a jaw surgery patient is technically "healed" until after about 3 months. And sensitivity in your chin and surrounding area can take up to 6-12 months to return. I'll be on an all liquid diet for 2-4 weeks, and a "things you can cut with the side of a fork" diet for 2 weeks thereafter.

Yeah, it's gonna suck.
But this has been anticipated for about 7 years now and it's time to finally get it done!

I have A LOT of anxiety because of the obvious complications with any surgery. But I am also worried about nerve damage and about a million other things. Not to mention, I really really REALLY enjoy eating. Maybe too much and an all liquid diet is going to be rough, but I'll make the best of it.

12 more days! Actually, 11 because this day is pretty much over. :)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy eating too! Has this been a difficult adjustment for you?? Have you lost much weight? I'm only 5 pounds from my ideal weight right now and plan to get into great shape pre-surgery to help the healing process (and of course to fit into a bikini this summer). So by the time I have surgery (slated for Dec 2011 ish), I won't want to lose much weight. I am having all the procedures you had and am expecting to be wired shut :-( Did you have to be wired?

    I look forward to following your recovery process! I bet you're relieved to be on the "other side!" You look GREAT by the way!!!

